Web Sites:

Other interesting or amusing sites:

A world authority on the work of Bob Dylan, and an expert on rock’n’roll history:
Michael Gray's site

Analysis of Dylan's lyrics:
Tangled Up In Jews
Kees de Graaf
From the Pen of Chris Gregory

Bob Dylan's books Bibliography (impressive!!!):
Conclusions On The Wall

Bob Dylan's magazines and articles Bibliography (even more impressive!!!):
20 lbs. of Headlines

Photographs and holy paintings:
Picture Books of the Pyramid
Bob Dylan year by year - Concert photographs of rock bands from the past 30 years

Articles, reviews, FAQ, images, interviews, discography, etc.:
Egil's All Dylan
John Howell’s Bringing It All Back Home

EDLIS: Originally Exchange of Dylan Lyrics when they were unavailable, nowadays newsgroup archives:
Exchange of Dylan Lyrics - Internet Service

Bootleg cds and cdrs lists:
The Bob Dylan CD & CDR Field Recordings Review
Bob's Boots
Lyrics & Bootlegs
Your link with lossless Dylan music

Search for a song in live shows:
bobserve (many other features on that site)
his bobness

The English fanzine "The Telegraph", ceased at his founder's death:
The Telegraph

In Spain:
His songs covered in Spanish

In Brasil :

In Italy :
Bread Crumb Sins
Sito italiano

In France:
COME WRITERS AND CRITICS The Bob Dylan's Fan International Bookshelf - scans of books, magazines, songbooks

Dylan 64-66:
His Life and Work, 1964-1966

The ghost of electricity :
Electric Dylan

His roots:
Bob Dylan Musical Roots and Influences Pages

Films, televisions, videos :

Songs lyrics as they were really sung:
lyric variations from original versions of his songs

Last time he played that song:
How Long Has It Been Since Dylan Played

Official Rarities:
Bob Dylan's Official Rarities

His friends:
Friends Along The Way

Maps of his tours:
Cartographie du NET

Etc., etc.

Main sites
Pals' sites
Radios, Networks, Blogs, Newsgroups, ...

I'd be very grateful to anyone telling me of any broken link.
