The amount of data about Bob Dylan on the Web is positively overwhelming, and new info is added each day, therefore I'll try and guide you to those that are the most useful and interesting. As most of the sites are in English, I'd also like to point out the few sites in other languages.

There is a myriad of specialized or unspecialized sites, a few main sites, as well as interesting IMHO sites, and hundreds of other informative sites you can find while surfing on the web (I won't tell everything I know !). BTW, here's some pals' sites!

There are also facebook groups and newsgroups about Dylan, and so on.


Main Web sites :

The main site is Bill Pagel's boblinks

It's crammed with links to almost every website in existence and the links are listed alphabetically as well as by theme.
It also contains a list of all the dates of the past Dylan concerts from 1995 to present dates as well as concerts scheduled for future dates, with a setlist for past concerts, sometimes a cue list, and often one or more reviews written by concert goers.


Another main site, the official Sony/Columbia site, Dylan's ongoing recording company from the beginning (except for a short intermission in 1973-74). This site is masterfully done, featuring all the lyrics to his songs, even a few unreleased ones, with a Real-Audio playback of his released titles. You'll also find a couple or more songs played at various shows but never released (so-called "field recordings "), all in Real-Audio. The list is periodically updated, and you can subscribe to the mailing list to be notified, by email, of the new songs or any other event on the site.


The third site well-known to us Dylanites is Expecting Rain (from ‘Desolation Row’).
This site contains a wealth of information and includes, along with much more, all events concerning Dylan and gives daily accounts of everything that closely or remotely concerns him. It also has reviews about bootlegs (bootlegs are unreleased recordings, whereas "pirates" are copies of officially released recordings), a comic strip, a gallery with paintings and drawings, and many, many other things…


Another key site is the late Olof Björner's, who is sort of the unofficial Bob Dylan historian :
This site is divided into four main parts :
- a detailed report of every thing Bob Dylan did year after year
The Yearly Chronicles
- a recording sessions list, with every known detail
Still On The Road
- a list of Bob Dylan songs performed by other musicians from all countries and in all languages
It Ain’t Me, Babe
- Rare Lyrics, Poems & Other Pieces
Words Fill My Head

Interesting sites
Pals' sites
Radios, Networks, Blogs, FTP, Newsgroups, Chat